Using Devita devices to prevent and help treat Winter bugs

Using Devita devices to prevent and help treat Winter bugs



If you have one of Deta Elis’ bioresonance devices, you can use it to help prevent or treat many ‘winter nasties. Here are a few tips for using the Devita AP, Devita RITM and Devita Energy mini devices and also for the BRT. Please see the suggestions below depending on which devices you have.

Devita ENERGY:

This is always a great device to use, both preventatively - to keep your cells abundantly energised....and/or if ill, to maintain the healthy voltage of each cell, so that they can best function, having sufficient strength to help ‘fight the illness’.

This device does not work with specific programs aimed at eliminating bugs, but I have found it to be incredibly useful nevertheless!

If you also have the AP and RITM devices, make sure you run 1 or 2 cycles of ‘Energy’ first thing in the morning each day. If this is the only device you have, and you begin to feel symptoms, then you may choose to run 6 or more cycles of ‘Energy’ throughout the day, and if you wish, a cycle of ‘Health’.

Personally, I have found the Energy program highly effective with my kids, in stopping the development of a cold etc when first signs appear! I have also found that many people have bounced back from a covid/ viral infection more quickly and fully when using this program. 

Devita AP (detox device):

The AP device is invaluable when it comes to eliminating winter bugs! It is a wonderful resource to have available to help with health issues such as bacterial or viral infections etc. In order to achieve the optimal results, one would need to know the exact pathogen (virus etc) that is causing the illness, and then use the respective program to address that specific pathogen. If you know which micro-organism is at the root of your symptoms e.g. Streptococcus, then you can use the program that has the same name e.g. ‘No Streptococcus’ (Under the 'Active Immune System' complex heading, program no 10). It is also beneficial to combine this with the ‘Without Toxins’ program (Under the 'Active Immune System' complex heading, program no 8) to help remove the toxins from these organisms.

Unfortunately, most of the time you will not know which specific pathogen is at the root of your symptoms....and so luckily there are various programs that can be beneficially experimented with to help to restore health. The AP contains programs to help prevent catching bugs e.g., 'Anti-cold' 'Anti Flu' etc...and also programs to use if you have already caught a bug e.g. 'Without cold' ‘Without cough’ or 'No Flu'. The automatic versions are preferable, as they contain many different frequencies to cover different aspects of symptoms. 

Here are a few suggestions:

*If having head-cold symptoms, but do not know exactly the cause/ microorganism responsible, use:

 'WITHOUT COLD AUTOMATIC' (Under the 'Active Immune System' complex heading, program no 13). This includes anti-virus frequencies as well.

*If having proper Flu symptoms (bones aching etc), use 'NO FLU AUTOMATIC' (Under the 'Active Immune System' complex heading, program no 12).

*If having a cough use: 'WITHOUT COUGH’ (under ‘Stop Corona’ complex heading, program no 14). This is also included in the ‘HEALTHY BREATH AUTOMATIC’ program, which is a longer, comprehensive program to aid breathing (found under ‘Stop Corona’, no 19))

*Given the throat infections frequently around, two other helpful programs are: 'NO STREPTOCOCCUS' (no. 10) and 'NO STAPHYLOCOCCUS' (no. 9), both under the 'Active Immune System' complex heading.If using these it is also recommended to use the 'NO TOXINS' program (no. 8), to help remove the toxins from these organisms.

*If someone wishes to act preventatively, then using the ‘ANTI-COLD’, ‘ANTI-FLU’ OR ‘ANTI-VIRUS’ programs a couple of times a week...or after exposure to someone with a bug, can be helpful. (I personally have prevented myself from picking up bugs despite being in close contact with people who have had viruses, by playing the Anti-virus program!)

*Alternatively, if feeling low immunity-wise, having a boost of playing the 'SUPPORT IMMUNE SYSTEM' (no. 14) may be helpful (e.g. for a child at school, or elderly person...).

*If having (or acting to prevent) Covid, use the ‘Automatic Covid 19’ program that Dr Giannis made specially for us. If you do not have it and would like it, do let me know and I can email it to you to upload (you just need a windows computer). There are also comprehensive schedules for treating and recovering from Corona virus, as outlined in the Complex Catalogue, on page 59-61. This can be downloaded here:

*With any of the above suggestions, if dealing with acute symptoms, you may choose to run your chosen program repeatedly (back-to-back) for a few days! 

Devita RITM:

This device works to restore, rejuvenate and recalibrate our organs and body systems. You may like to run the programs that have the same names as those on the AP device, as these will help to rebuild health (NB the program names are the same or similar in both AP and RITM devices, however their action is very different! Please do not assume that these programs are the same! They are NOT! Everything in the AP is to do with detoxing and eliminating...whereas everything in the RITM is about regenerating, restoring, recalibrating and rebuilding health! For instance.... if you choose the ‘Anti-cold’ program on the AP, this will be detoxing the micro-organisms concerned with colds. However, if you choose the ‘Anti-cold’ program on the RITM, this will be helping to restore optimal health to the areas affected.  Therefore, do be sure that you are using the correct device for the job desired!

For general rebalancing and strengthening of body systems following illness (and at any other time!), alternate ‘HEALTH AUTOMATIC’ and ‘HEALTHY DAY AUTOMATIC’ each day i.e., one of these each day.


If you have the BRT you may use this 2-3x weekly as a prevention and immune booster. The BRT will read your body for disharmonious frequencies (e.g. those of a virus etc) and will invert these to cancel them out! I have found this invaluable when being together with people who are ill, or in crowded public spaces where there are bound to be bugs, as a means of irradicating any possible bugs before they can take hold!

In acute illness, e.g., if beginning to catch anything, immediately run the 20 min program twice (e.g., 2 programs back-to-back) totalling 40 mins. If you have the Devita ENERGY device, you can boost the BRT program by also playing a cycle of Energy at the same time.

Then continue to use BRT (for one program) each day until illness is cleared.

Personally speaking, I have found that between using the BRT and the Anti-virus program on the AP device, I have not caught the flu/ colds/ coughs / covid infections...that have surrounded me over the last few months via clients/ relatives/ people on planes/ huge crowds at trade shows / concerts etc etc, despite being up close and exposed to their coughs etc!

Good luck! A little experimentation will help you to find the programs that work for you!


Please contact Delia:

01342 825031

For a summary of these programs and where they are located, please see ‘Winter Bugs Programs’ sheet.

Disclaimer: the above suggestions are for self-help based on personal experience and the experience of others, for working with the Devita devices and their frequencies, designed to combat various micro-organisms. THIS IS NOT A REPLACEMENT FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR WHERE NECESSARY. Contra indications for use include people who have a pace maker and pregnant women.